The Budget Advocacy Network (BAN) is a Network of Civil Society Organisations in Sierra Leone committed to work on budgets and budget policies to enhance policy making and implementation for sustainable and equitable development. BAN was established in 2006. BAN consists of local and international organizations such as the Transparency International (TISL) Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD), Western Area Budget Education Network (WABEAN), Actionaid International Sierra Leone (AASISL), Search for Common Ground (SFCG), and Christian Aid (CA). The Budget Advocacy Network is organised around the three principle of the budget i.e. participation, transparency and accountability. The purpose is to ensure a greater inclusiveness in the budget process, increase access to information and improved responsiveness geared towards achieving gender sensitive budgeting, pro-poor budgeting and programmes
Our Mission
BAN’s mission seeks to “build a social movement that advocates for effective service delivery”.
Our Vision
The following encapsulates BAN’s vision: “BAN envision a Sierra Leone where citizens are benefiting from transparent, participatory and accountable pro-poor policies and programmes that will improve their living standards”.
The Executive Committe
The Executive Committe
The Executive Committee (EC) is the apex body comprising only heads of member organizations and responsible for giving policy direction for BAN. The roles of the EC are to:
Provide strategic direction
Embark on joint fundraising initiatives
Ensuring that planned programmes of work are completed promptly and effectively
Represent BAN at high level forums
Operational Committe
Operational Committe
The Operational Committee (OC) follows up on strategy and policy directions offered by EC to implement programs and activities of the network.
The committee comprises staffs assigned by the various member organizations and the coordinator.
The Coordinating Unit
The Coordinating Unit
As a network organization, the Coordinating Unit (CU) is to provide the coordinating, management and administrative role for the network. In addition, the CU is to provide technical support to members to enable BAN add value to its policy and advocacy work. The CU works with EC and OC. The head of the CU is to be known as a Coordinator. His role therefore is coordinating, management and administrative. He is the secretary to the EC.