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BAN Reports

Gender Budget Analysis for Local Councils In Sierra Leone

This gender budget analysis report is a product of an Irish Aid-funded project implemented by a coalition of three organisations, led by Talking Drums Studios Sierra Leone (TDS SL), with Budget Advocacy Network (BAN) and the 50/50 Group as implementing partners. It was developed as part of the project’s intervention […]

BAN Reports

Will the NRA Meet Its 2023 Target?

Revenue and expenditure analysis plays a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability, as it provides citizens with basic information that will contribute to building trust between the government and its citizens. When people can see where their tax money is going, they are more likely to trust that their[…]

BAN Reports

Budget Credibility Report 2020-2022

The study assesses Performance Indicators 1, 2, and 3 and reveals there is a slight improvement in the revenue outturn, but the scores remain the same as in the last PEFA assessment in 2021. This is due to the unavailability of externally funded data and the classification of revenue according[…]

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